About Jonathan…
It was a lazy rainy day that Saturday afternoon, when one very bored 12 year old Jonathan Vautour first picked up his father’s guitar.
Eventually, a ‘few hours of time to kill’ became a lifelong passion, followed closely by song writing. As years flew by Jonathan found himself playing in worship bands for churches, small gigs at coffee shops, and crowded block parties.
Jonathan is currently working hard to make a name for himself in the musical world, after finishing his first Album, “From The Heart” Which is available for download via Band camp, Amazon, iTunes, and all other major digital music distributors.
“Every song I write is either a story of a struggle, an emotion or ideal that was life changing for me, or a message I was given to share. I aim to proclaim the glory of God and my saviour Jesus Christ through music as I know he has called me to do. The Apostle Paul put it best:”
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
Acts 20:24
​”​I believe we are all called to this, and we are all given a gift in which we are to go about this, I endeavour to be ever truthful in my song writing, and wear my heart on my sleeve.”
Song writing Influences Include: Brandon Heath, Matt Brouwer,Chris August, Matt Maher,John Rzeznik,​ Jon Bauer and many more.
Jonathan Would Like To Thank…
Chachi From BWE for all the help, and continued support with everything I do, as well as all the top notch graphic art you’ve done for me, love you brother!
Tyson Travnik & Excalibur Productions For all the hard you’ve done and continue to do in the studio, and for the advice and connections you’ve help me make.
Steve & Adeline Kinsley For Giving me the kick in the butt I needed to get out there and do something with my music, and for teaching me that confidence in abilities god has given me is a valuable thing. None of this would have been possible without you.
​Kyle Maclean For helping me out countless times, you’re the bomb bro!
Terry Stroud For helping me further my walk with Christ, and supporting me when I need it most. You’re a true friend, and a godly man.
My Mom & Dad For birthing me, feeding me, clothing me, loving me, accepting me, teaching me, supporting me, and bringing me up in the way of christ.
My Adoptive Grandma, Marilyn Blair For always believing in me and supporting me. Rest in peace.
And most of all my loving saviour Jesus Christ Through whom I’m given the strength to do all things.