SoulSonic Is a Must Listen

Chicago born producer and composer of Hip Hop Soul on the Alchemyst Audio music label, SoulSonic is currently collaborating with Jordan L, an artist and a lyricist. The audacious marriage has led to the release of a modest, energy “popping”, soul soothing song, “Rise”.

Rise is a song that speaks about police brutality, social injustice, inequality and racial prejudices that occur against the black communities. It is also a song that would make your spirit soar and reflect while giving you the platform to contemplate quiet thoughts or the people and environment around you. This Hip Hop anthem is also a clarion call for the seemingly oppressed people to rise up from their slumber and speak with one voice against these societal ills.

SoulSonic succinctly describes this without equivocation in the following excerpt.

“As a people, the majority in power has put that knee on our neck, from locking car doors when we pass, to crossing the street when we walk, to denying access to opportunity, to hunting us.

We as a people have taken a knee, but we as a people also RISE”.

The beat is dope and “street core” with various bell, clap, crash and ride cymbal effects at the right “music time intervals”. The “bass guitar plays” and electric synths are also conspicuous in shaping the track and making them endearing.

SoulSonic gets inspiration from his late mother, Elizabeth and his wife Jennifer. He also enjoys working with Jordan L. who was very instrumental to success of this track. SoulSonic would also love to perform with Pharell and Jay Z, two Hip Hop Giants. After listening to this track, you would have no doubts in your mind that black lives matter. Read the following for further details on how to reach him.

  1. Q: Can you please tell our readers your real name as well as your stage name? SoulSonic, originally from Chicago, is a Producer and Composer of Conscious Hip-Hop and Hip-Hop Soul on the Alchemyst Audio music label out of Vegas. Currently collaborating with lyricist and artist JordanL to create the soul soothing, energy releasing, rallying cry Hip-Hop Anthem RISE.

    JordanL is an established HipHop artist from Detroit, he brings ridiculous heat and thought inspiring lyrics in his music and delivery.
  2. Q:Tell us more about your stage name and the storry behind it Although I hear music and bring melodies to life I hear in my head, I neither claim nor pretend to control the creative process of the music I write, compose and produce. As far as I can tell, I am a creative interpretive channel for music that I believe we all share as we are all connected, and this is music from our collective souls. Having this as a premise for the gift of music allowed me to get to the concept of SoulSonic. While I was very aware of the group Afrikaa Bambaataa and the SoulSonic Force, who also had spiritual leanings in their philosophy, for me reaching SoulSonic as an artist name was both wider and connected, and much more literal. Interestingly enough we both drew some spiritually creative comfort from the symbology of ancient egypt.
  3. Q: Where are you from and Where were you based? I grew up on Chicagos’ South Side which though predominantly African American, had many cultures, food and music to experience. This has allowed my expression as SoulSonic to creatively address inequities I have seen, personally experienced, or was made aware of as I grew up. The song RISE is written in 2020, but could have easily been among the songs played at any operation P.U.S.H rally (People United to Serve Humanity) occurring in Chicago in the 70s as well. Its the spirit, and the intention of the spirit that shapes the music. Chicago will always be part of my creative process.
  4. Q: At What age did you start making music? I took years of piano lessons and a few years of violin before highschool, I couldn’t begin to remember the years. I started actively composing piano pieces in college, and that creative process would start and stall with upto seven year gaps before I returned to it with time, focus and goals.
  5. Q: What genre of music do you love? Or what genre would you consider yourself? I am drawn to the cinema of music. Music that makes your spirit rise, soar, reflect, or allows you space to contemplate quiet thoughts or the people and environment around you. This can be achieved boldly or subtly, the thoughts can be in the silences in-between the notes, as long as the music is intentional and present.
  6. Q: Tell us about your latest track or Video ( what is it all about)–Please explain the concept or message behind it RISE Description

    Hip-Hop Anthem speaking on police brutality and world events in the Black community in a voice to mark and embrace the moment and our people.

    A righteous voice from the experience that the streets in all these cities has taught us, that we have been profiled, treated as less, abused by the power of morally bankrupt officers, and systemically discriminated against.

    As a people, the majority in power has put that knee on our neck, from locking car doors when we pass, to crossing the street when we walk, to denying access to opportunity, to hunting us.

    We as a people have taken a knee, but we as a people also RISE.

  7. Q: Who wrote the lyrics? who made the beatz? Who made the video?(if any) and finally who produced the song? RISE Credits
    Genre: Conscious Hip Hop. No Profanity.
    Producer: SoulSonic
    Concept: SoulSonic
    Composer: SoulSonic
    Lyrics: JordanL
    Vocals: JordanL.
    © 2020 Alchemyst Audio

    Video created by Mark Karl Spann
  8. Q: Where do you get your inspiration? My inspiration comes from the woman who raised me, my mother Elizabeth, who’s passed, and the Woman I Love, my wife Jennifer. They are both remarkable women, souls and people. They are and were generous, caring, loving and optimistic beings in a world where it seems there is a little less light everyday. SoulSonic is a very intentional, measured expression that hopefully channels outrage at casual incivility, bigotry, ignorance, racism, and lack of empathy I see everyday – into a more positive response that still requires accounting, but does not meet ignorance with ignorance, or escalation.
  9. Q: If you were given a chance, which Artist would you love to perform with? In the hip hop genre who I have not worked with I’d Love to write tracks with Pharell Williams or for Common, Jay-Z, or the amazingly talented but under appreciated Busta Rhymes, the talented. But I have to say – the man I’ve collaborated with on RISE, JordanL. brings it all to the table and I am amazingly blessed to have connected with him and have him write the lyrics and perform RISE. He has a cerebral flow but keeps it accessible, he has a delivery that lets you know he FEELS what he’s telling you, he has something to say and a reason to rhyme. I look forward to working with him again in the near future.
  10. Q: Where can fans find you? Please List all your social media links (Youtube/ Facebook/ Instagram/ Soundcloud/ Spotify/ Twitter) Thank You,

    Twitter link:
    Twitter handle: @SoulSonicMusic

    Instagram (On Alchemyst Audio):
    Facebook (On Alchemyst Audio):


    Link to Boomplay

    Link to Apple Music
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