Ace A Caped Crusade has completed his most recent album, “XV” which is a compilation of great rap songs. His rap flow is suave or smooth. The production quality is equally high. The drum beats, synths, piano and the electric guitars added thir fair share of vibe as Ace A Caped Crusade takes you on a ride you will never forget in a hurry. All the songs in the album are selected for your listening delight or pleasure.
The love Ace A Caped Crusade found in the streets and other external influence in his youthful days, especially in the arms of a love interest where he proposes to be her roses rather than sending her flowers is described in “Roses”. The slow rap pattern also continues in this track with the beat pattern being 4/4.
“R.I.P” is characterized by a slow piano chord. Here, Ace A Caped Crusade raps about the hate and the negative energy he gets from people, the criticisms he faces as his haters try to get him off his game by wishing him dead. Typically, he only has one message for them which is same as what they wish him, if they do not face their business. The tracks rigs of strong theme, violence and language, but the delivery is good
The quest for self-discovery, the search for answers to all the questions of life, his divinity which seeks to set the puzzles of life straight are all captured in this track titled “Reality”. Ace A Caped Crusade sees himself in the eyes of his “hommies” while seeking reality. He also raps about how his friends also seek answers through him, while some get into trouble and dying since they are not as successful as he is. He also raps about how he looks out for his friends
In “Home”, Ace A Caped Crusade elucidates all his fears in life while going down memory lane, the lessons learnt on the “home front” and what to expect in future while reiterating the “home” as being his beacon of hope amidst all this. The electric guitar sounds reflected the vibe from the song.
“Red wine” is also a great track anyone can listen to at any day or time.
The lyrics of the songs contain strong themes of violence and languages, hence the need for activation of parental control.