TI and Tee (pronounced TNT) are songwriters and producers located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Ti and Tee is a studio music group specializing in the R&B genre but has also produced work in both the Blues and Pop genres. All of their music is original.
Ti and Tee market their music as independent artists using digital media distributors such as CDBaby, Soundcloud, and similar distributors. Consequently, their music can be found on ITUNES, YOUTUBE, SPOTIFY AMAZON.COM and like outlets. In addition, the music of Ti and Tee can be heard regularly on JANGO INTERNET RADIO.
The Group started writing, producing, and performing their own music, as a hobby, over 10 years ago. The Group amassed a large repertoire of music which they decided to present to the public. Ti and Tee published two albums. A third album is in the process of being finalized and will be published in the near future. Check this website regularly to see the release date and to see what else in happening with Ti and Tee.
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