I have a catalogue of 63 songs, with no swearing or sexual lyrics in any of the songs.
I have over 1,000,000 Streams on my 63 songs, all genres.
My passion is helping children to stop Self Harming and worse and stopping children from starting to smoke/drugs, and you can help by using songs, as Croydon Education have put both of my songs into all the Schools in Croydon, Surrey.
‘You Don’t Look Cool By Teenagers’ (Brit School), and my empowering song:
‘Me My Body And I’ into all the schools in Croydon, Surrey.
I also had 54 of my songs played in shops, via Emerge Media, till they stopped trading last year.
: ’A Song Has Gotta Swing Like Sinatra’ has been put forward for this year’s UK Country Radio.com Song Award.
I have had ‘15’ videos accepted by Promo Stream.
I have been in the iTunes singles Chart six times and the iTunes Album Chart once.
I made it into the official 64th Grammy Nominations with my album, ‘Causes’ and my single, ‘A Song Has Gotta Swing Like Sinatra’.
My 63 songs are all on You Tube. Three Albums and three EPs, called, Notes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.
I have had over 400,000 Streams on my three Christmas songs.
150,000 on my summer song, called:
‘Anuther Sunny Hulliday’.
My latest single ‘This Moment’ is on Spotify/iTunes etc and on my ‘‘Box Set Song Catalogue’, last song, No 60.
And 115,000 on my birthday song, called: ‘Blow Those Candles Out’.
I also have a book out called ‘Message From A Star’, ( star is in the sky) which received great reviews from Kirkus and Blue Ink, also Book Club. My aim is to have it made into a film, because the story is universal, ‘men never grow up’, and yes I am one :-)) it is a humorous, but relatable story.
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